Where to find us
Our address:
Love My Home9 Dalderse Ave
Give us a call
01324 332024
Opening Hours
Monday to Thursday: 10am - 5pm
Friday & Saturday: 10am - 4pm
Sunday: 10am - 2pm
Appointments are available out of hours, please give us a call on 01324 332024 to arrange.

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Touch and Feel
See, feel and try out our new bathrooms for yourself. Have a wander round, get some inspiration and see our quality design and installation work for yourself.
Let's Talk
When you visit, take the opportunity to talk with a knowledgeable design and installations expert who’s passionate about creating your perfect fit bathroom (no pushy salesmen here).
Free Design Brochures
Take home a book-load of ideas in a full colour brochure, so you’ve got plenty to think about before your home survey visit.

No appointment necessary, you can pop in anytime we’re open.
See you there!